
Vincent Riehl, Photographer
Photo courtesy of New York Daily News
Anthony, David H. Max Yergan: Race Man, Internationalist, Cold Warrior. New York: New York University Press, 2006.
Ackerman, Tom. The South Campus Seizure. The City College Alumnus, 65, no. 1 (1989):3-30.
Ballard, Allen B. 1973. The Education of Black Folk: The Afro-American Struggle for Knowledge in White America. New York: Harper & Row, 1973.
Berger, Leslie. December 1966. The Pre-Baccalaureate Program at the College. City College Alumnus.
Dyer, Conrad M. 1990. Protest and the Politics of Open Admissions: the Impact of the Black and Puerto Rican Students’ Community (of City College). Ph.D. diss., The City University of New York.
Lavin, David E., and David Hyllegard. 1996. Changing the odds:Changing the Odds: Open Admissions and the Life Chances of the Disadvantaged. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Marshak, Robert Eugene, and Gladys Wurtemburg. 1982. Academic Renewal in the 1970s: memoirs of a City College president. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America.
Mayer, Martin. 1973. Higher Education for All? The Case of Open Admissions. Commentary, February: 34-47.
Otheguy, Ricado. 1990. The Condition of Latinos in the City University of New York. A report to the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs and to the Puerto Rican Council on Higher Education. June.
Rojas, Fabio. 2007. From Black Power to Black Studies: How A Radical Social Movement Became an Academic Discipline. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Scheffler, Linda Weingarten. 1969. What 70 SEEK Kids Taught Their Counselor. New York Times Magazine, Nov. 16.
Traub, James. 1994. City on a Hill: Testing the American Dream at City College. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley.
Warren, Constancia. 1984. Open Admissions at City College: the Implementation of an Egalitarian Reform in a Meritocratic Institution. Ph.D. diss., Columbia University.
Weisman, Martha. Legacy of Student Activism At The City College 1847-1989. Expanded version of the speech given by the writer on April 14, 1989, at the Legacy of Struggle Conference commemorating the twentieth anniversary of the occupation of the south campus of The City College of CUNY by the Black and Puerto Rican Student Community. 1989.

A young man wearing his allegiance to CCNY watches smoke billow out of the Finley Student Center as firemen arrive on the scene. The battle between the BPRSC and the CCNY administration escalated to a height that few would have imagined when arsonists set nine fires on campus, including a two-alarm blaze that nearly destroyed a whole wing of the Finley Student Center.
John Pedin, Photographer Photo courtesy of New York Daily News
Professor Philip Barnett, Science Reference Librarian
Professor Judy Connorton, Chief, Architecture Library
Professor William Gibbons, Archivist & Reference Librarian
Professor Sydney Van Nort, Archivist
Special Thanks to
Pamela Gillespie, Assistant Dean & Chief Librarian
Zita Szatmary, Graphic Design & Production Assistant
Daisy DomĂnguez, Reference Librarian & Exhibits Coordinator
Dr. Claude Brathwaite, Program Administrator, NYC Louis Stokes Alliance Herb Boyd, Adjunct Professor, Black Studies
Adolfo Cuevas, CCNY Student & Contributing Writer
Samuel Sanchez, Office Assistant
Emma Curtis, College Assistant
Joel Rudnick, Archival Research Assistant
Jody Spedding, College Assistant
Zhibin Xiz, Student Assistant
Angela Troisi, Photo Sales Editor, New York Daily News
The City College Black Male Initiative Leadership and Mentoring Project
Website created by May Nicol ([email protected])